My Little Pony As Pokemon
my little pony as pokemon

my little pony as pokemon

He's still a baby, but he's very precious to her and has a lot of potencial.Cutie was found in the wild and as soon as Twilight saw it, she uttered the words "my cutie mark!" Upon capturing it, she ended up nicknaming it so. My Little Pony: The Movie (2017) Error: please try again. After a dark force conquers Canterlot, the Mane 6 embark on an unforgettable journey beyond Equestria where they meet new friends and exciting challenges on a quest to use the magic of friendship to save their homeland. Votes: 6,368 Gross: 21.89M.My Little Pony Pokemon Go is a great challenge in which you need to find all Pokemons. Move your mouse to move the phone over the screen and find them all.Sorry I've been inactive, life's been very stressful lately.

Twilight really likes Rage's horn, for some reason.Phew, that's it for now!~ let's wait for the next one~~Done in Illustrator CS2. The Pokémon images are from Bulbapedia. Let's see her Pokés~Twily was Twilight's first pokémon, given to her as an eevee from Shining Armor before he went on his journey. The Eevee got its nickname from the way Twilight's big brother used to call her, as a way to make her feel closer to him.

My Little Pony As Pokemon Movie Purple Hearts

I think it’s just one of those things. When did you become familiar with them? Did you just always have them around?SOFIA CARSON: Always. I had all of the toys as a kid and I’m so thrilled that they’re still around because it makes me feel like I made good toy choices. When a Unicorn named Izzy (voiced by Kimiko Glenn) shows up, and the two join up with Pegasi sisters Pipp (voiced by Sofia Carson) and Zipp (voiced by Liza Koshy) and the always responsible Hitch (voiced by James Marsden), they take a journey that teaches them their own unique gifts are the very thing that will save the day and reunite the ponies with their magic.During this 1-on-1 interview with Collider, which you can both watch and read, Carson talked about having been a fan of My Little Pony since childhood, why being a part of the film was such an easy yes, how she most identifies with the story, what she loves about her character Princess Pipp Petals, and getting to record the song “Glowin’ Up.” She also talked about the movie Purple Hearts, which she’s an executive producer on, and why it’s been such a rewarding experience.Collider: Thank you for talking to me about this. The Netflix original movie My Little Pony: A New Generation is set at a time when Equestria has lost its magic and Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi are no longer friends, until an Earth Pony named Sunny (voiced by Vanessa Hudgens) decides to find a way to bring them together again. It's still a bit offended by the nickname it got, though.Rage is dear to Twilight as for when she is very angry, people often say she looks like a Rapidash.

It’s such a beautiful and magical world, and something that so many people have loved for so many years. And of course, I knew their theme song.When the opportunity to be a part of this came your way, what was your reaction? Was it just, “Oh, my God, sign me up”?CARSON: Yes. I remember that so vividly. I always remember knowing about My Little Pony and having a My Little Pony, and me and my sister just brushing their hair.

That’s the power of animation and the power of My Little Pony. It’s been such a pleasure and such an honor to be a part of this.RELATED: ‘My Little Pony: A New Generation’ Trailer Features Unicorns, DDR, and Lots of Glitter in Upcoming Netflix FilmWhen you read this script, how easy was it to imagine what the world would look like and how did actually getting to see it in the finished film compare to what you thought it would be?CARSON: I think the world was so much bigger and so much more magical than what we imagined, and that’s so beautiful. It’s so cool that all of our heroines, all of our Pony heroes are females.

Are you someone who normally doesn’t like watching yourself, and does it make it any easier when it’s an animated project and it’s just your voice bringing the character to life?CARSON: It definitely makes it easier when it’s an animated project, for sure. There are certain things that are improvised in the moment and certain things that maybe I said that weren’t in the script that made it to the movie, but all in all, it was pretty close to the original.A lot of actors talk about not being able to watch their own performances. But I was pretty impressed that the final script was very true to the original script. Animation takes years and years to develop, so this had been the process for a long time, before we even, as a cast, joined on. Is the script that you first read essentially the final film, or did it change and evolve along the way?CARSON: It was very close. It’s just such a beautiful world with so many important messages.This really is such a cute and sweet story.

my little pony as pokemon

Our young generation is the generation that’s leading the way to a path of love.What do you love about Princess Pipp Petals, aside from just having a fabulous name like that? What did you most enjoy about getting to voice her and to find her voice?CARSON: I love her confidence. That’s exactly what’s happening in our world today. In a world that has been torn apart by hatred and division, these ponies, who are these kids, who in the eyes of the world, are these tiny voices, but they can change the great, big world by making that fearless choice of choosing love despite the forces of the world trying to keep them apart.

She’s definitely a force.At what point did you get to see what she would look like, and did seeing her affect how you voiced her, in any way?CARSON: I saw a drawing of her, when the project was offered to me, and in the most beautiful way, she just jumped off the screen. Each of the ponies are so uniquely themselves, and that’s so beautiful and such a beautiful thing to celebrate. I loved her energy and her spirit. Pipp and I have that in common. I also love that she loves music so much.

I think we’re different in that I really try to work hard to live in the present and not to be consumed by our cell phones. I’m also so wholeheartedly devoted and grateful to those that I’m lucky enough to be on this journey with, my fans. Of course, seeing her and how they had envisioned her helped in my performance and the heart that I put into Pipp.How would you say you’re most like Pipp, and is there a quality of hers that you wish you had?CARSON: Me and Pipp are both lovers of music, and Pipp is devoted to her Pippsqueaks, which are her fans.

That’s the heart that you bring to the character and that’s your voice. It’s an out-of-body experience. It’s pretty surreal, when you see the toy. We leave a little piece of our heart behind, so yeah, absolutely. Even though you’re voicing a pony, do you still feel a sense of ownership of the character? Does she feel like she’s a representation of you?CARSON: It’s interesting, I guess there’s a piece of ourselves in all of the characters that we play. Pipp learns that in our film.I saw the video of you opening and playing with the toy for your character and her whole palace.

But it made it extra special when we watched the finished product because there was so much that you hadn’t seen and voices that you hadn’t heard and songs that you hadn’t heard. Voice-over tends to be quite different than live-action. It was definitely a very different experience. We were all there via Zoom. Even our directors were in different parts of the world. It was also during COVID, so it was extra alone and extra careful.

And so, like a lot of sisterhood relationships, in the beginning, there’s friction because Pipp just wants to be loved and accepted by her sister, and her older sister is kind of dismissive of her. She’s a pop princess, and she takes her role of princess really seriously and the responsibilities that come with it and the expectations, while Zipp really resents royalty and resents the expectations that come with being a princess. It’s incredible how we can still make art, in the middle of all of this.What do you enjoy about the relationship between Pipp and Zipp, and getting to see the dynamic that they share with each other and the dynamic they share with their mother?CARSON: Pipp and Zipp and the royal family has an incredibly relatable dynamic.

There’s nothing more special than that relationship.“Glowin’ Up” is a great song. My sister is my best friend, and I know that so many girls feel the same way. They see their sparkles for who they are, and they accept it and embrace it and it’s so beautiful.

my little pony as pokemon